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Over the Ofek on YouTube: A window into Leipzig life

We're gearing up to make our YouTube your go-to channel for first-hand experiences of life in Leipzig! You can already find several interviews there with internationals at different stages of settling in this great city (in English).

One of the interviews is with our friends Nicola (South Africa) and Peter (Britain), both actors who have found themselves thriving in this East German gem that has developed so much since Reunification. They came to Leipzig in 2003 on a whim after hearing about it from a friend and ended up falling in love with the city, and even more deeply in love with each other being here together. This has become a lifetime project, as they raise their kids and grow their business locally: "We decided to raise them bilingual," says Nicola, although Leipzig is increasingly internationalizing.

You can hear more about their story below.

Our YouTube has also got a webinar (in Hebrew) and we're working on populating the channel with a ton of useful tips, tidbits, and tales. Take a gander and let us you your thoughts! Subscribe to the channel to never miss another upload!

Our number one priority here at Over the Ofek is to make your transition into Leipzig life smooth and fun. Feel free to reach out to us and/or to sign up for a consultation and other services, available individually or as packages for your relocation.

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